Domains of well-being

What is well being? What does it mean to you? Is it the same for people of different ages? The Eden Alternative Domains of Well-Being®️ is a framework consisting of seven fundamental aspects that contribute to a fulfilling life. These domains are not limited to any particular age group, culture, or stage of health but apply to everyone universally. The seven domains are Identity, Connectedness, Security, Autonomy, Meaning, Growth, and Joy

For yourself, how do you feel these aspects are reflected in your own life? Identity involves having a sense of who we are as a unique individual, and Connectedness focuses on developing positive relationships with those around us. Security is about feeling safe and trusting in our environment and situations, while Autonomy is about having the freedom to make choices and decisions of our own. Meaning is about feeling important, being a part of something greater than oneself, having purpose. Growth involves the ability to learn and develop, while Joy relates to the opportunities to laugh, smile, and have an appreciation for environment in which we thrive.

Reflect on these domains and identify any areas that may need some growth in your own life. By doing so, you can take steps to increase their presence and enhance your overall well-being. Then, consider ways to partner with those in your setting to identify ways to elevate the level of well-being in the overall environment.

To learn more about supporting the seven domains of wellness, follow the Eden Alternative. For the seniors in your lives, follow the Inspired Senior Care Instagram channel during June to. By increasing our awareness and taking steps towards promoting well-being, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those around us.

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